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Insulated Blocks

Type of BlockThermal InsertWeightCompressive StrengthU Value
K Value
8" Thermal Block
6 cm20 kgs7.5 N/mm2U: 0.51 W/(m2.K)
K: 0.113 W/mK
8" Thermal Block
6 cm23 kgs7.5 N/mm2U: 0.51 W/(m2.K)
K: -
10" Thermal Block 6 cm26 kgs7.5 N/mm2U: 0.46 W/(m2.K)
K: 0.129 W/mK
10" Thermal Block 11 cm23 kgs7.5 N/mm2U: 0.29 W/(m2.K)
K: 0.077 W/mK
12" Thermal Block 6 cm31 kgs7.5 N/mm2U: 0.42 W/(m2.K)
K: 0.139 W/mK
12" Thermal Block 16 cm23 kgs7.5 N/mm2U: 0.21 W/(m2.K)
K: 0.065 W/mK

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