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Length | Width | Height |
2000/1900 | 150 | 100/120/150 |
1800/900 | 150 | 100/120/150 |
2000 | 200 | 100/120/150/200 |
1800 | 200 | 100/120/150/200 |
900 | 200 | 100/120/150/200 |
Length | Width | Height |
2000 | 190 | 150/120 |
1800 | 190 | 150/120 |
1600 | 190 | 150/120 |
900 | 190 | 150/120 |
600 | 190 | 150/120 |
Length | Width | Height |
2000 | 230 | 120/40 |
1800 | 230 | 120/40 |
2000/1800 | 225 | 175/50 |
900 | 230 | 120/40 |
Length | Width | Height |
2000 | 200 | 150 |
1830 | 130 | 100 |
Length | Width | Height |
600 | 150 | 100/120 |
600 | 150 | 150/200 |
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